Thursday, January 28, 2016

#KickAss Interview: Cynthia Sax's Safyre from Crash and Burn

I'm having a bit of a fan-girl moment.

USA Today, bestselling author, Cynthia Sax (and one of the nicest and most giving people I know in the book world) stopped by for an interview with Safyre, the kick-ass heroine from CRASH AND BURN, book #3 of Cynthia's Cyborg Sizzle series. I really enjoyed this interview. I think you will agree once you've met Safyre that she truly is kick-ass. 

Oh...and please don't read on unless you are over 18. Safyre is very sassy-firey.


LMKA: Welcome, Safyre. Thank you very much for stopping by on such a busy day!

Safyre:  What the f**k else do I have to do? (rolls eyes) Besides reach Nymphia, the sister of my heart, before she dies, ensuring she isn’t alone when that happens.

LMKA: As the heroine of  Cynthia Sax’s  Crash and Burn, can you tell us a bit about yourself? Where are you from and what is it you do for a living?

Safyre:  There’s nothing much to tell. I lead supply runs and rescue missions for the Beings For Peace. These are risky but not as dangerous as my lucrative private sector deliveries. I’m paid very well to fly into regions no sane pilot would.

Why do I take these missions on?

Because I’m disposable. I matter to no one.

LMKA: We’ve all hit hard times in our lives. Can you describe one that changed you as a person and who helped you through it?

Safyre: Meeting Nymphia ten solar cycles ago at the Academy changed my life forever.

I was a battle-toughened girl of sixteen solar cycles, a war orphan, as Nymphia and Tifara both are. My short lifespan alone in this harsh universe trained me never to rely upon anyone else, never to care.

Then, the eight-solar-cycle-old Nymphia curled her baby fingers around my hands, gazed up at me with her big brown eyes and asked if I was her new mommy.

I told her to f**k off. The cursed girl blinked but she wouldn’t let go.
I won’t let go now. Even if it kills me to hold on.

LMKA: When it comes to relationships, do you prefer casual or committed?

Safyre:  Do my preferences f**kin’ matter? (snorts) I want committed. F**k. Who wouldn’t? But I get casual ‘cause dangerous missions and committed relationships don’t mix.

LMKA: I’ve heard mention of a guy named Crash. Can you tell us about him?

Safyre: I plan to commandeer a freighter headed to Tau Ceti, the planet Nymphia is trapped on. Crash is my ticket to do that. The freighter is shipping cyborgs and he claims he can control these manufactured warriors. I’ve never seen the male but his voice makes me hot. I’d do him. (winces) If it weren’t for this f**kin’ headache.

LMKA: How would you describe the perfect guy?

Safyre:  Someone who holds on. I want a male who will stand by my side, clasping my hand as I face death. I like my males big too. (waggles eyebrows) If you know what I mean.

LMKA: As a kick-ass heroine, you know what you want and have a strong mind about how to get it. Do you find this gets you into trouble at times?

Safyre: No trouble I can’t get out of. My hair is bright orange. (runs fingers through the tuff of hair) Beings take one look at me and know I can kick-ass. That’s why I chose that color, warn others that I’m trouble. 

LMKA: If you had to choose between sex on a beach or sex in a bed, which would it be?

Safyre:  Sex against the wall, my arms stretched above me, my hands bound. Give it to me fast and hard. ‘Course a male would have to be strong to take me that way. I’m not a small female. (Cynthia whispers ‘He’d have to be cyborg strong.’)

LMKA: Any advice for ladies out there who are struggling to find their happy-ever-after?

Safyre: You’re asking me? (laughs without humor) First, I’m no lady. I’m a kick-ass space pilot, remember? Second, there’s no happy ever after for me. I don’t expect to survive my mission to Tau Ceti. The best I can hope for is one more fabulous f*ck before I die.

Crash And Burn

Crash was manufactured to be one of the best warriors in the universe. The cyborg has spent many human lifespans fighting the enemy. But, unlike his battle-loving brethren, he doesn’t enjoy killing. When he escapes the Humanoid Alliance, he vows to never end another life.

Then he meets Safyre, an infuriating human female, and he considers breaking his vow.

Safyre will do anything to save her friend, the being she loves like a sister. She’ll ravish a huge hunky cyborg, kiss his best friend, and invoke scorching hot desires the male never realized he could feel. Dark soulful eyes, a quick wit, and a tempestuous passion won’t divert her from her mission.

Love, and a planet-destroying weapon, however, might stop her permanently.

Pre-order Now:

ARe / B&N / Kobo 

About Cynthia Sax
USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax writes contemporary, SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. Her stories have been featured in Star Magazine, Real Time With Bill Maher, and numerous best of erotic romance top ten lists.
Sign up for her dirty-joke-filled release day newsletter and visit her on the web at
Twitter:  @CynthiaSax

Thank you so much for being on my blog today Cynthia and Safyre. Poor Crash. He's got his work cut out for him. I sooooo cannot wait to read this book when it comes out on February 23rd. *squee*

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Teaser Tuesday--Peyton's Doll Part 2's Tuesday already and today I have a teaser from Peyton's Doll--Part Two to share. Part 2, you say, didn't Part One just release?

Yes, yes it did, but as it's a serial story, I didn't want to delay as I know some readers are clawing their tablets and phones wondering what happens next.

Well, things heat up in this part of the story, and I'm wondering if I shouldn't have put it in the erotic romance category after all. *cheeky grin*

“You are so, incredibly sexy,” she murmured with a breathy smile. His naked, muscular shoulders were bunched tight with the tension of holding her up against the door, his chest muscles rigid. She slid her palms over them, enjoying the feeling of his heat and strength and the way his skin flexed as she lightly grazed him with her nails. She bit her lip. He was magnificent in every way she could imagine. Strong, yet so gentle, it made her heart ache.

He swallowed hard, his smile slipping, his expression becoming serious. “I’m not the sexy one,” he whispered. The fire within him flared bright in his eyes as he held her gaze.

She wanted to burn in that fire. Let it devour her, body and soul, and chase away any memory of pain. “More,” she whispered as a shiver of craving rippled through her. She looked deep in his eyes, letting him see the truth of her need. “I want you to show me everything.”

“Hell, yeah,” he said, and lifting her high in his arms, he carried her to the bed.

Part 2 is available for pre-order pretty much everywhere. It releases on February 10th 2016. Whoohoo! 

Amazon / Kobo / B&N / iTunes

If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, Part 1 is available here:

Amazon / Kobo / B&N / iTunes

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New year, new beginning

Happy New Year, my lovely readers!!!
I hope 2016 brings you great happiness, good health and many wonderful adventures.

I have some important updates to bring you this January.
First, I started a new website to help centralize information about all of Kate's and Felicity's many adventures in writing and life. You can check it out and read about my recent adventures here:

Second, I have book news to share. This coming Wednesday January 6th, Felicity has a new series coming out. Read on to see what it's all about:

A new adventure in science fiction romance begins…

The New Earth Series, by bestselling author Felicity Kates, is a serial science fiction romance story set in a futuristic dystopian world, where hope for the future of humanity is in danger of being lost to despair. At times humorous, and filled with sizzling chemistry, the series will take you on a journey through intriguing twists and turns, smiles and tears, as Dr. Peyton Chase and his android companion, whom he affectionately calls Hell, must discover the true meaning of love before they can reach their HEA.

Each part of the story is meant be read in sequence. The series of books are scheduled to be published on a monthly basis beginning January 2016.

Peyton’s Doll—Part One 

Release date: January 6th, 2016
Book info:  The beginning part of the series where the conflict involving the New Earth colonies is introduced and Peyton and his android Doll meet.
Genre: science fiction romance
Tags: android, dystopia, post-apocalyptic, futuristic, cyberpunk, short story.
Length: 20 000 words approx.
Heat level: High  
Content warning: For readers aged 18+. Contains sexuality, adult situations and graphic language
Formats: epub, mobi. Paperback TBA. Audio is not available at this time.
Price: 0.99 cents US/UK/CA/AU

~Buy Links~

She isn’t what the doctor ordered, but she’s just what he needs
1000 years after Earth has been devastated by a viral plague, the few survivors turn to genetic engineering and advanced robotics to ensure the future of the human race. But not everyone is happy with artificial life living amongst humans, least of all Peyton Chase, a doctor with a harrowing past.

When he’s ‘gifted’ with a state-of-the-art companion that he can’t send back, Peyton is far from pleased. She’s sentient. She’s sexy. She’s everything he doesn’t want complicating his life. He nicknames her Hell. She nicknames him lots of unladylike things, at least in her mind. Because there are rules to a relationship like theirs. Master and Slave. She’s supposed to obey him in all things. But if that’s true, why can’t she stop meddling in his life?

Unfortunately, time is running out for Hell. Her own desperate past is about to catch up to her with deadly results.


“You saved my life when it would’ve been easier to let me die,” said Hell. An incredible realization, especially considering killing her had been the thought most on Peyton’s mind when he’d initiated the scan. “Why?”
The warmth of his arm pulled away, but his comforting scent lingered. He picked up a nearby cloth and busied himself with wiping down the scanning array’s control panel. “I swore an oath once, to help those in need regardless of personal opinion.”
“But you don’t practice regularly anymore. Doesn’t that relieve you of clinical obligation?”
A flush spread from the deep “V” of his tunic and up his neck. His gaze snapped to hers, hot and hard. “Would you rather have died?”
“No.” Ignoring the numb tingle in her limbs, she twisted so her feet hung off the scanner bed and touched the icy floor. “I’m grateful for your help. But I don’t want to be an obligation. I’ve caused you enough trouble already.” Chest suddenly tight, she sucked in a breath. “Is there someone else here that I can stay with?”
“You want to stay with someone else?” He tossed the cloth down on the scanning bed, his lips a thin line.
“No, but I figured it’s what you wanted.”
“What I want—” he snapped, then stopped. He turned away from her, his body rigid as he thrust his fingers through his dark hair. His face was set in hard lines when he turned back to her. “What I want is to keep you safe. You’re the most important thing that’s ever happened to humanity, and those bastards—” He stopped again, as if whatever the bastards in question had done was too difficult for him to say. He shook his head and tried again. “I got a call from Markus Willbright from The Factory, just before you woke up. They’re looking for you, Hell.”
Willbright. Willbright. “Wait…” She clutched her temples as she slid off the scanner and stood. “I remember him!” She glanced at Peyton and caught his grim nod. But the excitement, whisking through her at the fact she could actually remember something, quickly faded. Why did that name make her feel uncomfortable? She had a vague impression of a quiet man of mixed Asian ancestry who’d come to see her in her glass-walled room. He’d only ever looked at her and tapped on his tablet, recording whatever it was that scientists recorded, then disappeared again behind closed doors. But Peyton obviously hated him by the anger flaring in his eyes.
“What did you tell him?”
“I lied. I told him I’d never heard of a Bio-roid before, let alone seen one, and said I was quite happy with my new Factory-made sex doll, thank you very much.”
He’d lied to protect her? She sat back down on the scanner with a thump. “Did he believe you?”
“Probably not.” Peyton’s attention was fixed on retrieving a data cube from the scanner array, the handsome planes of his face set hard. Clearly all of this was a burden to him that he’d rather not carry.
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to have just told him the truth and sent me back?”
The flush deepened across his cheeks, giving his tired expression a fevered cast. “No.”
“Because of this.” He held up the translucent blue data cube for her to see before closing his fingers over it again. “I managed to piece together some of the fragmented engrams rupturing your hippocampus.”
“And?” she prompted after it became apparent he wasn’t going to say anything further.
“And, like I told you before, you’re never going back to The Factory again.”

Coming soon…in February 2016! The New Earth series continues.
Peyton’s Doll—Part Two

Peyton has his hands full in part two…and Hell likes it. A lot. Mostly. Especially when he’s holding her. But is there a place for her in his life? If it’s not enough that the revelations of her past at The Factory threaten to break their relationship apart.  Betwee n the appearance of Peyton’s meddling Aunt Joanna, a truly horrible breakfast, a chance encounter with an ex-lover, and the crack of a whip on his ass, Peyton may not survive to see what life with Hell has in store for him next.

Peyton’s Doll—Part Two: the truth won’t always set you free…is coming in February 2016.
For pre-order updates, please sign up for Felicity’s newsletter.

~About the Author~

Felicity Kates is a mild-mannered manager by day. At night, she trades in her high heels for bunny slippers and lets her imagination run wild. Felicity enjoys writing fun, flirty fantasies that combine humor with strong characters who have super-sexy desires. The setting can be any time or any place in the universe as long as it sets her mind on fire.
Felicity lives off of coffee and dreams and enjoys going for walks along the shores of Lake Ontario, taking pictures of whatever catches her eye. A romantic at heart, she loves to snuggle under a blanket with a good book to warm up the cold Canadian winters. When not writing, can most often be found enjoying the quiet company of her husband and son, whom she loves very, very much.
 She also loves to hear from her readers, so please email her at:
For up to date information on Felicity’s books, including upcoming releases and giveaways, please sign up for her newsletter and join her Kate’s Korner Facebook Fun Group
You can also find her at:

~Other Books by Felicity Kates~
The Little Miss Kick-Ass Series

Thursday, September 24, 2015

It's Giveaway Time!!!

In celebration of my Facebook fan page reaching 500 likes, I'm having a Rafflecopter giveaway. Click on the link and enter to win a copy of this printed painting of Lucas from Steam Bunny, signed by me, Felicity Kates, the author.artist. Thank you for your support everyone!!!!! You are all awesome. xxxx

Saturday, August 29, 2015

**Spotlight** Wicked Indulgence by Anne Lange

 I am very pleased to welcome back Anne Lange to my blog, featuring her newest sexy release Wicked Indulgence from her super hot and award-winning Vault series. 

Title: Wicked Indulgence
Series Title: The Vault Series: Friends and More, Book 2
Author: Anne Lange
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic, Ménage, Light BDSM
Heat Level:  Scorching - Sexy, creative and hot, almost anything goes - not for shy readers

Buy Links 

Two men. One woman. How wonderful wicked can be.

Jamie prefers one-night stands to the risk of hurting someone he loves. He's not willing to repeat the past. Years ago his naïve attempts at Dominance left his girlfriend bruised and frightened, and she mysteriously left town rather than show her face around him again.

Daniel wants something more. He hopes that one day he and Jamie will find that perfect woman to share forever. As members of the prestigious BDSM club known as The Vault and co-owners in a veterinary clinic, he never thought she'd walk through their door. Or ask for his best friend.

Melissa has done everything she can to protect the only man she's ever loved. Finally rid of her abusive ex, she's living on her own terms. Only she never counted on Daniel, a man who ignites enough sizzle in her body to compete with her passion for her first love, Jamie. And in order for them to be happy, she needs to find a way to put the past, and the people who won't remain there, behind her for good…and convince Jamie that he was never the monster he thought himself to be…

Reader discretion: contains spanking, bondage, voyeurism, sex club, m/f/m ménage romance elements

Striding forward as if she knew exactly where she was going, Melissa entered the hallway. Several doors opened off each side, and people had gathered around a few of them, their attention trained on whatever was happening inside. She moved forward, pausing at the first doorway to peek in, but even on tiptoe she was too short to see over the crowd. Eventually a couple in front of her shifted their stance, and she managed to sneak a peek between their leather-clad bodies.
She stifled a gasp. A raised platform was centered in the room that held a large mattress covered in a plain white sheet. On the mattress were two women and one man. The man, who appeared to be about forty-five, lay flat on his back. One of the women, a busty brunette with a butterfly clip in her hair, straddled his chest on all fours, letting her big breasts dangle over his flushed face. They were huge compared to Melissa’s own small handfuls, and the man had captured both and squeezed them together. He tongued and sucked on her nipples, switching back and forth between the two. Above him, the woman’s back was bowed, her neck stretched long as she tilted her face up, squeezed her eyes closed and held her bottom lip between her teeth.
The other woman, a pixie of a thing with a matching haircut and long, dangly earrings gripped his cock in a tight fist while she bobbed her head, stroking her hand up and down to meet the movement of her mouth. The guy thrust his hips up in time with her downward motions. Between the slurping and the groaning and moaning going on in that room, it was only a matter of minutes before at least two of them managed to snag the stars they were reaching for.
A group of people lined one of the walls watching, and few others stood cuddling and petting their partners while their eyes were glued to the scene in front of them.
Melissa decided to move on. She could definitely see how watching stuff like this could turn someone on, but she was on the hunt for a specific person and she needed to find him before one of her watchdogs discovered she was here and hunted her down.
She continued to the next room, which contained two women, one of them leaning over a bench while the other spanked her with a paddle. The one on the bench was stark naked, her blond hair gathered in a ponytail that hung down the right side of her face. The redhead doing the spanking wore the slimmest stiletto boots Melissa had ever seen. She had partnered it with a pair of black leather boy-cut panties and a black with purple trimmed bustier. Dark coal liner rimmed her jade green eyes and a slash of red lipstick stained her cheeks.
Since that scene didn’t do anything for her—and frankly, the redheaded woman scared the crap out of her—Melissa decided to keep going. A large crowd seemed to have gathered at the next room and there seemed to be a fair amount of grunts coming from in there. Melissa strode in that direction while trying not to draw too much attention to herself.
When she got to the door, she had to push past two other couples and a big burly dude with a shaved head, wearing a dark suit with a red tie. The seams of his jacket looked like they might burst with teeniest flex of his muscles and the tie looked like it was strangling him. He was handsome as hell, as were many of the men here, but he wasn’t the man she was looking for. He gave her a questioning look, then looked over her shoulder and around.
“Are you here with anybody, miss?” He kept his voice low to avoid interrupting the show
He turned, fully blocking her path as well as her view. Damn it. Behind him, a whistling sound wailed through the air, followed by the sharp sting of leather against flesh. A low grunt came next, with a long moan in its wake.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”
“Um, no, I’m new. Tonight’s my first night.” Crap. If she didn’t get past this guy soon, Kyle or Gabe would be sure to find her. And then she’d be in trouble.
“I don’t recall Mr. McBride telling me there would be any newbies tonight.”
Melissa tried her best for contrite. “I’m sure it was simply an oversight.” They were going to kill her.
He snorted. “Have you met Mr. McBride? There’s no such thing as oversight.”
He had that right. Unfortunately she knew Mr. McBride well. Didn’t matter which one he was actually referring to.
“Look, I’m sorry, but until I speak with one of the boss men, I don’t know who you are or how much freedom you’re supposed to have around here. So you’ll need to—”
“She’s with me.”
Melissa closed her eyes as those three words surrounded her. Sadly, she couldn’t do anything about the sizzling effect this voice had on her blood. Or the way it played havoc with her senses, her pussy, and her nipples.
She had wanted to find him, but not like this.
“Master James.”

Author Bio
Shoes are her addiction, but books are her passion.  Anne Lange grew up with a love for reading. If you take a close look, she’s got either a book, her Kindle or her Kobo nearby at all times. You know, just in case there’s time to sneak in a chapter or ten.  Anne reads many genres of romance, but prefers to write sexy stories, often with a dash of humor, and usually with a side of those sinful pleasures your mom never told you about.  And always with a happily ever after. 

While embarking on this wild journey of becoming a romance author, Anne juggles a full time job and a family. Though not always successfully. Who needs a clean house every day?  And what’s wrong with cereal for dinner? She lives in Ontario, Canada with her wonderfully supportive husband, three awesome kids who are growing up way too fast, and the family pets, Rocky the bearded dragon and Lily the chocolate lab. 

Author’s Social Links

Friday, July 24, 2015

#spotlight -- Shehanne Moore on How To Write Sexy

I am so pleased and honored to have Shehanne Moore, the Queen of Smexy Hisotrical Romance on my blog today, discussing what makes sex good when writing a romance.


And the good sex award goes to….. 

Now there’s a question. Four books, four very different couples, one thing in common. Sex. Some of it not that brilliant. Why? Because I don’t like writing sex scenes? Believe it or not, it can be difficult to write.  Or because I think that one of the most important aspects of writing a sex scene is to make it appropriate for that couple at that stage in the story?

Let’s start with the sex in The Unraveling of Lady Fury.  It’s sex all right and quite a lot of it, but it’s cold. Flint broke Fury’s heart, now she needs an heir, so she sets the terms of exactly how this  encounter will be and—it’s not nice. It’s cold. It’s clinical. She will use a cream. He will keep his hands to himself. Of course eventually it’s back to how it used to be in the old days.  But you are not going to bring a couple with that amount of baggage to together and expect an instant blaze and I did have a lot of fun writing him trying to get around her rules. I think I’d give them a good sex award eventually.

 Moving on, the sex in His Judas Bride was kind of scorching. Games are being played and these games get out of hand. Also neither the Black Wolf or Kara have been with anyone for a long time.  But do they qualify for a good sex award when this passion gets completely out of control and they’re not really caring about what happens next? Eventually love comes into it, so they get a little bit more tender.

I think Devorlane Hawley and Cassidy Armstrong from Loving Lady Lazuli would win the bad sex award hands down.  The problem here was that here’s a man who has experienced it all and feels nothing, sex is one wild night’s ride to him. As for Cass? Well, beneath her glittering, premiere London jewel thief exterior, she’s a virgin. So the big question was what’s so different about her that she keeps him when the initial encounter is a complete disaster.  It’s awkward, it’s fumbling, she nearly falls all her length when her leg gets tangled in her skirt, then she ends up slapping him when he has the temerity to ask if she’s a virgin. But when Cass is  torn between looking a complete fool and not wanting to give herself up to him, she turns the heat up.  That also ends in disaster, but perhaps it’s because he never quite has her to his satisfaction that he keeps coming back for more by which time he’s hooked. I’d give them a good sex award but not till the very end of the book.

So what is the sex like between Sin and Malice, hero and heroine of my new book, The Viking and the Courtesan? Pretty hot, largely because of the hero’s guilt that he’s cheating on his pretty horrible betrothed. But the catch with this time-slip story is that without true love this couple can never be together, so they have to learn sex is about more than a scorching screw. The catch is that to start with the arrangement between them is purely business.

What tips can I give for writing a sex scene?

  1. Never write what you are uncomfortable with writhing.
  2. Anchor the sex to where your couple are in the story.
  3. Remember sex is a great source of conflict and tension in a story. When I was writing the first sex scene in Loving Lady Lazuli I initially had Cass succumbing to Devorlane. That one touch and she is swooning with need scenario has been done- pardon that pun – to death. So I ripped the scene up and explored things differently. This leads me to…
  4. Vary your scenes that way. Length-pardon that pun too- how much you describe, cut to fade occasionally. Repetition can be dull.
  5. Remember the five senses. Appeal to each. Set your scene carefully that way even down to the lighting. 
  6. Watch the flying body parts. Phrases like,  ‘she exploded, her head hitting the pillow’ sounds like she stood on a hand grenade and it went off.
  7. Think about the physical possibilities of what you are describing. I think the main thing is to make it real. Sometimes that can mean lousy sex. Just look at the possibilities opening up when that sex starts to get better.


He reached down, grasped her skirt, the material so wet he could have wrung drips from it. Delicious. As for her lips, her fingers tugging at his belt, even as he brought his lips back on hers, they drugged and beguiled. But most of all, they drove him. Of all the women he’d had, he couldn’t think of one who did this to him. Cost him his restraint. Made him just want to have her at any cost.  He had to be inside her whatever the insanity.

                The frantic fumbling, the way her fingers tugged his clothes, yanking his tunic free of his breeches, then working inside the tight waist, drove him to the edge. Her skirt was around her hips so his hand clasped naked thigh. She hooked her leg over his hip. He hoped she was ready for him because he couldn’t hold off. Heart, blood, breath pounded. So did he. Her eyes stared with a wantonness, a desperation, that increased his. Although she was cold and shivering he had never known a woman so hot.

Blurb The Viking and The Courtesan

In 898 AD she wasn’t just from another land.
Wrecking a marriage is generally no problem for the divorce obtaining, Lady Malice Mallender. But she faces a dilemma when she’s asked to ruin her own. Just how businesslike should she remain when the marriage was never consummated and kissing her husband leads to Sin--a handsome Viking who wants her for a bed slave in name only? 
She came from another time.
Viking raider Sin Gudrunsson wants one thing. To marry his childhood sweetheart. Only she’s left him before, so he needs to keep her on her toes, and a bed slave, in name only, seems just the thing. Until he meets Malice.
One kiss is all it takes to flash between two worlds
But when one kiss is no longer enough, which will it be?  Regency London? Or Viking Norway? Will Malice learn what governs the flashes? Can Sin? 
Where worlds collide can love melt the iciest heart?

Buy Links – on pre-sale now at Amazon. FREE on Kindle Unlimited. RELEASE DAY....July 29th!


When not cuddling inn signs in her beloved Scottish mountains alongside Mr Shey, Shehanne Moore writes dark and smexy historical romance, featuring bad boys who need a bad girl to sort them out. She firmly believes everyone deserves a little love, forgiveness and a second chance in life.
Shehanne caused general apoplexy when she penned her first story, The Hore House Mystery—aged seven. What didn’t she work at while pursuing her dream of becoming a published author?
Visit her blog to find out about past releases and hear more about her forthcoming time-slip historical,  The Viking and The Courtesan. 

 Other links

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fit To Be Tied? It's time for a party!

OOoh! I'm so excited. *squee*

Get your e-readers charged everyone. Felicity Kates' (that's me!) latest book, Fit To Be Tied, the long awaited sequel to Steam Bunny is here! To celebrate she's having a party on July 31 and giving away copies of her book. So stop in at the party for a chance to win awesome prizes and schmooze with some of your favorite authors who will be there too: Shehanne Moore, Anne Lange, Renea Mason, Zara Cox and Rissa Blakeley. The party link is here: Whoohoo party time!

And here's what the new book is all about:

Fit To Be Tied 

Release date: July 31, 2015
Series: Little Miss Kick-Ass, book #2, standalone sequel to Steam Bunny and Super-Sex Me. (no cliffhangers)
Genre: Erotic paranormal romance.
Tags: billionaire, sex god, Viking, alpha hero, urban fantasy, ghost
Length: 40,000 words approx. (novella)
Heat level: High (like as in scorching)
Content warning: contains voyeurism, light ménage, explicit sex scenes, graphic language, profanity, may trigger readers sensitive to miscarriage.


He was the bad guy in Steam Bunny. The superhero lover in Super-Sex Me. Now find out what deep dark secrets make Race Lindstrom Fit To Be Tied in the latest erotic romance novella in the Little Miss Kick-Ass series.

1 Viking sex god + 1 kick-ass heroine = 130 pages full of hot sex scenes, snappy dialogue and heart-aching romance. Grab a glass of wine, a fan to cool yourself, and a box of tissues. You're going to need it.

From bestselling author, Felicity Kates, the Little Miss Kick-Ass series continues.
Casey’s BFF, Astrid Bitten, takes center stage this time with her nemesis, Race Lindstrom.
Is love written in the stars by the gods, or just a fantasy?

He's a liar. A manipulative ass. He doesn't deserve a second chance. Yet I can't stop thinking about him and that night we shared in Chicago four weeks ago. He dominates my dreams, making me want him more each day. Trapped with him at an Ice Hotel in Sweden, do I have a hope in hell of resisting him? Maybe not, but I'll kick his ass if he ever calls me his goddess again.

She's the love of my life, my dream, the goddess I've been waiting an eternity for. I know she hates me for the deceptive life I've led, but I want to give her everything she's ever craved, fill each second of her life with bliss. But...trapped for a weekend in the place where my life went to hell, how can I avoid the nightmare that haunts me? Not to mention the ass-kicking Astrid will give me when she discovers the darkest secret of my past.

Steamy excerpt (readers 18+):

“I never lied to you,” I say with as much conviction as I can put into my voice without resorting to using my unique gift in persuasion. If she’s going to trust me, she needs to do so on her own.
“No? So sleeping with me to get a deal with my best friend was what? Honest business?” Her eyes flash with anger as she speaks in hushed tones. “You used me, Race. Just like you’re using me now for this stupid reality TV show. If I didn’t love Casey and Lucas so much, there’s no way in hell I’d ever be here as part of this wedding crap. So just shove it with your games and your lies.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, she settles back against her seat and resumes looking out her window.
So edgy and untrusting. Not that I can blame her, but damn. How can I explain to her any differently than the few hundred times I’ve already tried? What will it take to get her to understand, without using my gods-given gift of influence, that meeting her at that Fan Expo convention changed my life forever?
Yes, I went there for business. Yes, my intention was to swindle a deal. And, yes, I set out to do so by compromising the fiery relationship between Lucas and Casey. But it wasn’t the Buxom Bunny who caught my eye.
Maybe I should have ignored my attraction for Astrid and kept on walking by. Saved us from the pain we’re experiencing now by keeping everything strictly business. But being around her eased the lonely ache, even as it twisted it with memories best left buried. And I couldn’t deny the startling realization, which imprinted on my body that first intensely erotic night we shared, that maybe, just maybe, the gods have handed me a precious second chance.
I’ll be damned before I’ll let that go, no matter how stubborn she is.
“I fell in love with you.” It’s the honest truth, but the mistake in saying so is obvious the moment the words blurt from my mouth.
“Oh, please,” she scoffs as she stiffens in her chair, clearly offended by the idea. “Don’t start with that bullshit. That’s low, even for you.”
“It’s not bullshit.”
“No?” She presses her fingers to her temples and sucks in a breath, fighting for calm. “Do you even know what love is, Race?” she asks, her patronizing tone loaded with anger as she folds her hands in her lap.
I’ve felt the pleasure of it burn in my chest, seeming so long ago now, at Charity’s first shy kiss. And I’ve felt the absolute agony of it as the body of my wife grew cold in my arms. The rage and helplessness of knowing, that even with all the unique power I was born with, there was nothing I could do to stop death.
Yes, I have loved. And I vowed never to fall victim to the gut-wrenching insanity again. Yet here I am, more insane than ever, at the mercy of Astrid’s rejection.
White knuckled, her hands grip the armrests as the plane banks toward Kiruna. Out of the corner of my eye, the small city looms large in the window, but if Astrid notices the dazzling view, it doesn’t show. Her nostrils flare, her gaze fixed squarely on me.
“We fucked, Race. You got what you wanted. I learned my lesson. End of story. So stop trying to prove what a con you are. I get it.”
No, she didn’t get it. Not by a long shot.
“Just tell me one thing,” I say and wait for her to stop rolling her eyes and settle her gaze on mine again. “Before you knew my name. When you thought I was just some guy in a costume. How did it feel when we were together?”
Exciting. Beautiful. Alive.
I see the truths we both experienced flash within her eyes before her expression turns hot with shame. She sucks in a breath and blinks, her chin lifting slightly. Wary. Distrustful.
She opened for me so briefly, but the beauty I saw within her stole my heart. My crumpled, damaged heart. Does she think I enjoy feeling this vulnerability? This painful re-awakening?
“It was fun. That was all,” she snaps.
“That wasn’t all.” Not even remotely. One day soon I’ll have to explain the full extent of my secrets to her as I’m certain she must already have questions about her own. But first, she needs to trust me. “Now who’s lying, Astrid?” I can’t help prodding.
She felt the recognition in her soul. I saw it in her eyes and smile when she looked at me the moment we met at the convention. I saw it in her dreams while she slept beside me that one precious night we shared.
Before the so-called truth of my narcissistic business identity intruded, and the callous shell I worked so hard to build out of my loss and pain came back to bite me. Hard.
Race Lindstrom: professional asshole and womanizer.
The betrayal I knew she would feel as soon as she recognized my name took root with swift, uncompromising fury. She clings to it now as a shield. But it’s a shield I fully intend to crack. Swiftly. And without mercy.
Whether she wants to accept it or not, she is mine.
“Do me a favor, Race? Don’t talk to me for the rest of this trip. Don’t look at me. Don’t touch me. Just leave me the hell alone.”
“I can’t. You were right about one thing, Astrid.” I lick my lips as her own purse in frustration. “I am a selfish bastard. I love you. I want you. And I won’t stop until you are moaning my name with my cock buried deep inside you. Bliss, sweetheart. I’m going to give you bliss or die trying.”

Buy links:

Other books by Felicity Kates:

Steam Bunny available free on Kindle Unlimited for the summer (or winter depending on which hemisphere you are). 

Super-Sex Me available free on Kindle Unlimited as part of the Just Desserts anthology of sexy bite-sized erotic stories. 

About the Author:

Felicity Kates is a mild-mannered manager by day. At night, she trades in her sensible shoes for stilettos and lets her imagination run wild. Felicity enjoys writing fun, flirty fantasies that combine geek humor with strong characters who have super-sexy desires. She lives off of coffee and dreams and loves to go for walks along the shores of Lake Ontario, taking pictures of whatever catches her eye. A romantic at heart, Felicity is a firm believer in snuggling under blankets and reading a good book to warm up the cold Canadian winters. When not writing, she can most often be found enjoying the quiet company of her husband and son, whom she loves very, very much.
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